The Beau Diddley Diaries

Did somebody say TREAT?!

The unrelenting march of progress

Well, it's been a few days since we got the good news about Beau's lymphoma being in remission. We're still euphoric about that, of course. He's still struggling through the residual side effects of the evil cytoxan, but I think the past 24 hours have seen a bit of improvement.

In the meantime, he's still peeing every couple hours, and it sure looks painful. Those of you who have had urinary tract infections can probably sympathize with him. But imagine a UTI that lasts for (so far) a week and has you peeing blood every 2 hours. Oh, and it's impervious to antibiotics, and the doctor says to you to be patient and it will pass. How can you be patient when you're peeing razor blades dipped in tobasco?!

His schedule was pushed back by a week on Monday, because his white blood cell count was too low to take a dose of vincristine. The doctor says that's no cause for alarm and happens often after patients take the evil cytoxan. He's expected to be fine to continue with the vincristine by this coming Monday. I'm doing my best to help him build up his strength via the home made organic diet I have him on.

But, we are still incredibly thankful for the remission. We'll all rest better when the bladder irritation subsides, though.

Thanks to all of you who have been sending Beau your well wishes and prayers. We all really appreciate the outpouring of love.

Tomorrow is Beau's 8th birthday, as I said. He loves his birthday cupcakes every year!

