The Beau Diddley Diaries

Did somebody say TREAT?!

What, no Beau Blog this week? Perish the thought!

Ok, I've been slow to get an update here, sorry. Blame it on the 24 hours' flight time to Singapore, the 12 hour time shift, the Tuesday chemo treatment, whatever -- but I'm sorry.

Beau did have his treatment this week, on Tuesday (after a longish weekend with Caren's family in New Jersey). All went well. No nasty side effects noted thus far, so we're all relieved and happy.

Next week is the final week of the third complete CHOP cycle. Just one more cycle to go after that, following a rest week and a couple days up in Pennsylvania at "Camp Yorkie".

Keep those positive thoughts, prayers, and aloha nui loa thoughts coming!

