The Beau Diddley Diaries

Did somebody say TREAT?!

Beginning of second chemo cycle

Well, we're home from a couple wonderful days at the beach, and Beau has started his second (of four) chemo cycles. So, he's back on the vincristine this week. So far so good, he seems to be responding well and in great spirits. Oh, and he did actually gain a pound or so over the week. I suppose a couple days at the beach (and some of Ouma's pancakes) will do that. But that's a good "problem" to have right now.

He still has some residual bladder sensitivity from the horrible cytoxan stuff, and his oncologist says they might do an ultrasound scan of his bladder next week if the sensitivity continues. Not sure where that will take us, but he's clearly still in some distress. After he's back in the house, though, he's all happy and it's as though everything is normal.

I've noticed from the web logs that Beau has several regular readers of this blog. Thank you all for caring enough to check in and see how our little guy is doing. It means a lot to all of us, and I'll do my best to keep his status updated here.

