The Beau Diddley Diaries

Did somebody say TREAT?!

Beau gets a Brazilian!

So we're up to week 2 of Beau's 2nd (of 4) chemo cycles. This week seems to be going smoothly so far.

He's still been having issues with urinating, so the folks at South Paws suggested doing an ultrasound test on his bladder to ensure there are no obstructions, growths, etc., in there. It went well, and they weren't able to identify any problems. Patience is apparently what's needed, but it's been 6 weeks since the cytoxan treatment that caused this problem, so we're all having a tough time with "patience".

In order to do the ultrasound test, they had to shave the area around Beau's bladder--Beau's first "Brazilian"! Caren told me about it via a text message, and I broke out laughing in front of my class here in New York. Of course, I asked Caren what Maggie thought about Beau's "Brazilian," but apparently Maggie was blissfully unaware of it.

So we press on, and hope with every day that Beau's bladder irritation clears up. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers, please!

