The Beau Diddley Diaries

Did somebody say TREAT?!

Rest in peace, Beau Diddley

It saddens me beyond any words to report here that today we had to put Beau Diddley down. 21 February 2000 - 18 March 2009 is far far too short a time on this earth for one so beautiful as Beau.

In the week following Beau’s last MOPP treatment, his nervous system slowly shut down. I got him to the clinic, but after extensive tests and ineffective treatment paths, our options were gone. His body just couldn’t take it any more, so this morning we consented to the advice of his oncologist that we let him go.

Needless to say, we’re all wrecks around here today.

In a few days, I’ll write a posting here that will share my thoughts about the medical treatments we opted for with Beau, in hopes that his and our experiences will help others faced with similar battles in the future.

Beau’s 14 months on chemo fighting off his cancers were emotional roller coasters for all of us. We’re comforted today, however, knowing that he knew only love, and that his battle was also filled with many many happy moments, hugs, songs, and wags. Moments like the one below:


Go in peace, my precious one. You’ll live on in our hearts forever. Aloha nui loa, ko`u `ilio.

