The Beau Diddley Diaries

Did somebody say TREAT?!

Routine isn't what it used to be

As we prepare to start the journey home from our island paradise of Kaua`i, we have one last Beau Beau Blog update from our intrepid hound sitter, Lisa. Seems they've found a routine that--more or less--works for all. Judge for yourself...


I like this word. To me, the word implies stability and calm. Others will undoubtedly have a different view – even define routine as “boring.” I would say driving to work each day is pretty routine, even boring. On the other hand, I prefer that routine over an unexpected flat tire or car malfunction.

As unexpected and unwanted as Beau's diagnosis of lymphoma was to everyone, his treatment has become a "routine" of his until he completes the CHOP program. Beau continues to do well since his last chemo treatment. He has a healthy appetite, is quite energetic, and is fully engrossed in his other routines around the house (even if they include sleeping and quiet cuddle times on the couch).

Even bedtime has become somewhat routine. While the hounds are already used to sleeping in bed with their “food slaves,” I had to adjust, and in the end, it hasn’t been too bad. Due to my work schedule, I needed to introduce a change to their routine and get each day off to an earlier start than normal. Needless to say, this change has been met with a little resistance. It’s never an issue getting them to
go to bed, but getting them up and off the bed to start the morning routine on my schedule is another story. Maggie pretty much responds when you tell her it’s time to get up and get down, while Beau needs a little more encouragement. I commented to Ken that the past few mornings Beau’s been “scamming” me. He scams me by slowly getting up and walking towards the edge of the bed as if to be helped down. At this point he will lie back down and roll over, presenting his belly for a belly rub. I am pretty sure he’s thinking “gotcha!” every time he does it. Sure I see the humor in it, but it does delay the rest of the routine. Ken was quick to remind me of one important thing in response: “That is his job. That’s what he does for a living. Respect it.” Ok, ok—I get it, that’s his routine he’s trying to hold on to.

Now that I am nearing the end of my stay here taking care of the hounds, Maggie is just about back to normal since her bout of the "Basset Bowel Syndrome." As a result, I can honestly say the past few days have been pretty close to being categorized as routine, the kind of routine I expected when I moved in almost two weeks ago. Looking back, I encountered many difficult times with Beau taking ill as he did, and then Maggie. Yes it was stressful, I dealt with a lot of changes – all mingled with opportunities to relax. In the end, the three of us have finally developed our own routine.

Would I take care of them again if asked? Absolutely! I would do it again in a heartbeat. I would do it for Ken and Caren. I would do it for Beau and Maggie. (This may surprise you) I would do it again for
me! Why? Simply because I know that when I leave, I will be leaving behind a “routine” that I will truly miss.
