The Beau Diddley Diaries

Did somebody say TREAT?!

Week 3 of cycle 2

Today was another vincristine treatment for Beau's third week of his second chemo cycle. It's almost starting to sound mundane, as if going in for a chemotherapy treatment every Monday is somehow normal.

This is, of course, exactly the wrong way to think of it. Still, his South Paws veterinary oncologist notes that he's looking well. He's still in some distress whenever he urinates, but it seems as though we've turned the corner on that issue as well. It's clearly getting better, anyway. Less frequent and shorter duration outings seem like a welcome relief for all of us. (We actually slept all night straight through last night!)

Indeed, the biggest issue we seem to be facing right now is the slow hair growth to cover up Beau's "Brazilian" hair cut around his nether regions.

But "seem" is an intoxicating word. I have to keep pinching myself to remember that even this rigorous chemo regimen is in fact not a cure.

We just continue to hope and pray that Beau remains happy and that his lymphoma remains in remission for many years. In the meantime, it's onward to next week's doxorubicin treatment, which will mark his half way point in the CHOP program. Seems an appropriate milestone for a cupcake, don't you think?

