Ken van wyk’s personal Site
Ken van wyk’s personal Site
Hi, I'm Ken van Wyk, the owner of this domain, This is my personal site. I use it for non work-related stuff as a hobby. As such, the views expressed here are my own and shouldn't be construed as anything else.
Here you’ll find notes on things that interest me, photos, and other stuff. If you find your way here and appreciate or otherwise enjoy what you see, I'd appreciate hearing your inputs. In particular, if you make use of any of my recipes, I'd love to hear how they worked out for you -- good or bad. I'm a firm believer that recipes improve with sharing, but only if people share their experiences along with the recipes themselves.
As always, if you're looking for me on a business-related matter, then you're in the wrong place. Please visit my company web site. You can also find my professional profile out on LinkedIn by following the link below:
You can also find me on Facebook at:
Oh, and you can find my recent Yelp reviews here, as I’m fairly active on Yelp:
Ken van Wyk
July 2013